A few tweaks have been made to the points system used in the BOIDC competition over the off-season.
Following discussions with the clubs, the Committee has made some changes to points awarded in two-day matches. A First Innings win has been increased from 6 points to 8 points with all other points being adjusted accordingly. There were also some anomalies corrected during the process.
The intention was to give more value on the points table to a first innings win in a two-day match and also not have an outright win worth double a first innings win. It was felt that this would provide a better reflection of the efforts of the teams during the season.
One day points have remained the same.
The new two-day points system is:
14 - Outright Win (after leading first innings)
11 - Outright Win (after tying first innings)
8 - Outright Win (after trailing first innings)
10 - Outright Tie (after leading first innings)
7 - Outright Tie (after tying first innings)
4 - Outright Tie (after trailing first innings)
6 - Outright Loss (after leading first innings)
3 - Outright Loss (after tying first innings)
0 - Outright Loss (after trailing first innings)
8 - Win first Innings
4 - Tie first Innings
0 - Lose first Innings
2 - Draw
4 - Washout Draw